MMG 240 2014 Structural Biology Wiki

Secondary structure[]

The structure of Photosystem II is characteristic of many different integral membrane proteins like it. Using PredicProtein it secondary structure is broken down in the following:

  • 61.5% Helical, 33% Loop, and 5.5% strand

Of the secondary structure elements the solvent assesablility for the whole protein is as follows:

  • 78.5 buried, 15.1 exposed, 6.4% intermediate

In each of the 18 sub-units of the D1 and D2 dimers there are 8 helical regions that spand across the protein sequence.

Tertiary structure[]

The tertialy structure of photosystem II has been a


  1. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Introduction
  2. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Biological function
  3. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Biosynthesis
  4. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Gene sequence
  5. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Amino acid sequence and composition
  6. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Secondary and tertiary structure
  7. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Domains and structural motifs
  8. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Interactions with macromolecules and small molecules
  9. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Molecular biodiversity and evolution
  10. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Literature overview
  11. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Useful online resources