MMG 240 2014 Structural Biology Wiki

The oxygen evolving complex is comprised of 344 amino acids with a weight of 38239.8 daltons.

The PDB accession code for this protein is: 1S5L

Below is the amino acid sequence of the A/12 chain in Photosystem II (FASTA format):

>gi|46015709|pdb|1S5L|AA Chain a, Architecture Of The Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolving Center

Amino acid composition of The Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolving Center:

Amino acid composition: 
Ala (A)  33	  9.6%
Arg (R)  13	  3.8%
Asn (N)  23	  6.7%
Asp (D)   8	  2.3%
Cys (C)   5	  1.5%
Gln (Q)   8	  2.3%
Glu (E)  15	  4.4%
Gly (G)  31	  9.0%
His (H)  11	  3.2%
Ile (I)  27	  7.8%
Leu (L)  31	  9.0%
Lys (K)   2	  0.6%
Met (M)  11	  3.2%
Phe (F)  27	  7.8%
Pro (P)  14	  4.1%
Ser (S)  23	  6.7%
Thr (T)  17	  4.9%
Trp (W)  10	  2.9%
Tyr (Y)  14	  4.1%
Val (V)  21	  6.1%
Pyl (O)   0	  0.0%
Sec (U)   0	  0.0%

Used sequence

Above is the Ribbon diagram from PyMol of the Chain a of Photosystem II for the 1S5L amino acid entry

The Light Harvesting Protein associated with Photosystem II is comprised of 232 amino acids with a weight of 24978.4 daltons.

PDB accession code for this protein is: 1RWT

Below is the sequence for the Light-harvesting Complex protein that is associated with photosystem II (FASTA format):

>gi|47168897|pdb|1RWT|J Chain J, Crystal Structure Of Spinach Major Light-harvesting Complex At 2.72 Angstrom Resolution

Amino Acid composition of the Light-harvesting Complex:

Amino acid composition: 
Ala (A)  23	  9.9%
Arg (R)   7	  3.0%
Asn (N)  10	  4.3%
Asp (D)  11	  4.7%
Cys (C)   3	  1.3%
Gln (Q)   5	  2.2%
Glu (E)  14	  6.0%
Gly (G)  29	 12.5%
His (H)   3	  1.3%
Ile (I)   8	  3.4%
Leu (L)  22	  9.5%
Lys (K)  12	  5.2%
Met (M)   4	  1.7%
Phe (F)  15	  6.5%
Pro (P)  17	  7.3%
Ser (S)  13	  5.6%
Thr (T)   7	  3.0%
Trp (W)   6	  2.6%
Tyr (Y)   7	  3.0%
Val (V)  16	  6.9%
Pyl (O)   0	  0.0%
Sec (U)   0	  0.0%

Used sequence LHCII

Ribbon diagram of the light harvesting complex that surround PS II. The red and yellow colored molecule is the whole trimer. The sequence used above is from the blue colored molecule, one of the three sub-units.


  1. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Introduction
  2. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Biological function
  3. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Biosynthesis
  4. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Gene sequence
  5. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Amino acid sequence and composition
  6. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Secondary and tertiary structure
  7. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Domains and structural motifs
  8. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Interactions with macromolecules and small molecules
  9. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Molecular biodiversity and evolution
  10. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Literature overview
  11. Rogelio: Photosystem II: Useful online resources