MMG 240 2014 Structural Biology Wiki

Cytochrome p450 Wikipedia Article

CYP3A4 Wikipedia Article

Amino Acid Compostion Calculator 

All related CYP sequences in the NCBI database

The NCBI page for CYP3A4 isoform 2

PredictProtein online application

Youtube video about grapefruit and statin drug interaction "Get to know an enzyme" page about CYP3A4


  1. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Introduction
  2. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Biological function
  3. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Biosynthesis
  4. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Gene sequence
  5. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Amino acid sequence and composition
  6. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Secondary and tertiary structure
  7. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Domains and structural motifs
  8. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Interactions with macromolecules and small molecules
  9. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Molecular biodiversity and evolution
  10. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Literature overview
  11. Alessandra: Cytochrome p450: Useful online resources